DEVELOPMENT | Weaving Destination


"...and when the women came they brought with them abandoned dreams 
of a future they had yet to create."   

There are numerous development programmes and projects aimed at empowering women who are, at most times, the most vulnerable group (along with children) during periods of political, social, environmental and economic unrest and instability. For some, the additional stigma against them, due to health-related problems, adds to their vulnerability and further marginalisation from society. This is even more so for women suffering from HIV or AIDS. However, emerging from their silence comes new opportunities for their voices to escape the thick veils that suffocate their progress. One such opportunity is the Nedan Foundation's Weaving Destination Project. 

In 2008, the NEDAN FOUNDATION in India and the UNDP’s Women and Wealth Project--designed for the socio-economic empowerment of women living with and affected by HIV and trafficking in South Asia--collaborated to establish WEAVING DESTINATION. Weaving Destination aims to develop and support these affected women in the Bodoland Territorial Council in the State of Assam, North East, India, which is a post-conflict area as well as prone to flooding, to produce handwoven silk and cotton lifestyle products for local, national and international markets. With the help of internationally renowned fashion designer and former supermodel Bibi Russell, their aspirations towards making an international name for themselves, whilst conserving the traditional Bodo motifs, colours and weaving techniques, can be further realised. 

Images take from LaligaGlobal on Flickr

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