
DEVELOPMENT | Bangladesh - Take Action Now


The tragic and 100% avoidable event that unfolded in Bangladesh earlier this week after an eight-storey building housing garment factories and shops collapsed in Dhaka is a poignant reminder that ethical consumerism alone is not enough. Annie Leonard over at The Story of Stuff Project says that real change happens when citizens come together to demand it, and as much as I really truley believe in ethical consumption as well, I think she has a point. She encourages us as world citizens to use our strengths to take action for fairer world systems. 

When I got this email from my former boss, Siobhan Wilson, at The FAIR Shop in Brighton, England, I was reminded of a unique and strong individual who is doing just that.

This week, we have been greatly saddened to hear about the latest tragedy in Bangladesh in the garment industry sector.

We have been liaising with campaigners and business partners to see how such incidents can be stopped once and for all and are actively working on a co-ordinated effort to make sure our voices are heard together.  We are sure that you too would like to help.


There are two petitions that need to be signed:

One is requesting the CEO's of Primark, Mango and Matalan to sign up to the Bangladesh Fire and Safety agreement.
Take action and demand justice for victims of Bangladesh building collapse

Second is the 1% campaign which is asking the fashion industry the following:
  • A minimum* of 1% of profits invested in responsible sourcing
  • Grants available to factories to enable them to make the necessary changes
  • More regular and unannounced audits of factories
  • Better working with NGOs and trade unions to implement policies that have meaningful benefit to workers
We would appreciate your support in signing these petitions and also sharing this information with your friends, family and social networks.  We believe the more reaction their is the higher the likelihood of change in the fast fashion industry.

This is not an isolated incedent, workers' lives in the Bangladeshi, and many other garment industries, are put at risk daily in order for big corporations to drive down prices and decrease production time. So my point is, in some small way, here is our chance to be an active participant for change. Please sign the petitions in memory of those who lost their lives, their families, those who were injured and those who remain trapped in Bangladesh tonight. 

Emma xx 

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  1. Thanks for sharing! I hadn't heard of either of those two petitions. I just posted a roundup of Bangladesh coverage with an ILRF petition and a place you can donate to the workers' organization there.

    1. Brilliant, thanks Julia. Love your site.

