
MEAT FREE MONDAY | Tu vuo fa l'Americana!!


We love good ol' fashion American-style pancakes--fluffy, and moreish beyond belief. Then add fresh berries and some organic maple syrup all the way from good ol' Canada (eh!) and you've won me over. Sunday Brunch success!

I haven't made pancakes in ages and for good reason, but when I saw the rich organic Grade B maple we got from Mr P's cousin and the fresh berries Mr P brought home, I had to pull out the Le Creuset mixing bowl and get to work.

Pancake recipes are a dime a dozen. I just play it by ear, and everytime I make them, I always do something different. These have cinnamon in the mixture for a little added spice. Not to mention that this year was a Mast Year, which meant that I was berry picking quite often at the side of roads.

(c) Photos by Eileen Hall

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