
MEAT FREE MONDAY | Aussie Food Smarts & Global Food Waste


I cook almost every day for Mr P and myself, and sometimes the inspiration to do so is lacking. On these days, I take to the laptop and find epidoses [for the data protection and copyrights police I do this on youtube...] of Masterchef Australia (my FAV) which will always do the trick--I tend to want to make a 12 course tasting meal after watching an episode, so sometimes one can go overboard. On one particular episode, every Aussie's favourite Chef, Maggie Beer, made a spectacular appearance (well she always makes a spectacular appearance). This time, she came with a bit more than just one of her deliciously bewildering recipes, although she wouldn't know it. 

I quickly googled Maggie Beer, to see why I too should be in love with her, and stumbled upon many of her recipes, articles, and affiliations with organisations, one of which is FoodWise. FoodWise is an organisation which helps to advocate the amount of food waste Aussie households get through daily, and advocates for better practices, especially from the individual level. Even Better FoodWise is also part of the Meat Free Monday family (speaking of which, Emma, we really need to get one of those MFM logos on the blog...obvs). 

To further put into perspective the amount of food Aussie's Waste, FoodWise produced a very interesting infographic image that breaks down the $8 Billion worth of food thrown away annually. As interesting as this was, I was then inspired to look for an infographic that would break down the global Food Waste Crisis, especially as the US & Europe are considered to be the largest food wasters, with waste that "could feed three times over" (Taken from The Impact of Domestic Food Waste On Climate Change). Unfortunately, the infographic I wanted to use for this post cannot be embedded, but you can access it here. However, I did find this US-centric one which may have some of us reconsidering how much we buy, consume, and ultimately waste.
            Food Waste Crisis: What Foodservice Operators Can Do

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