
FASHION | London Calling


London CallingWhen I worked at People Tree the view of the stunning Tower Bridge as I crossed London Bridge on my early morning commute often made my day. Even in the freezing murky haze it was a sight to behold and I would often stop my rush to Brick Lane to take a peek at its impressive form. Photographer Irene Suchocki  (Eye Poetry Photography) captured my attention with this whimsical portrait* and made me feel something I haven't felt for a while, homesick. So, instead of dwelling on all that was left behind in London Town one whole year ago - my entire winter wardrobe and more than a few amazing friends & family - I got inspired by the splash of turquoise and got busy curating my most recent ethical fashion finds**. Stacy, dry your tears! I'm coming to London! ...if only in my head.  

*It's such an intimate shot and interesting angle ok!
** Really this is all a distraction from the task at hand ... writing my Maid of Honour speech for my oldest friend's wedding next weekend. That and thinking up reasons why I can't actually make the speech! Who decided MoH's should speak anyway?? Seriously. 

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