


by Emma H.

Obama posters SoBe, Florida
I felt so lucky to have spent the last four days in South Beach, Florida during such an electric time in the US. I met some amazing Obama supporters and was particularly touched by the lady serving me at a thrift store. When she commented that she liked my Obama badge I asked if she'd voted already and she replied, "yes ma'am, my husband and I have a daughter, and I have a son in my belly, and our future depends on it". She gave me goosebumps.

My SoBe inspired Obama badge - if you can't VOTE, Promote!
The New Yorker's Choice, published by the editors on October 29th, reflects my views almost exactly and a thousand times more eloquently. Let it be known - Barack, I've got your back!

There has never been a more important time to vote America! Get to it.

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