
FASHION | People Tree x Peter Jensen


 by Emma H.

Fair Trade fashion gets an injection of quirky dark humour as People Tree launch their newest collaboration with Danish designer Peter Jensen for SS13. The five piece organic cotton micro-collection goes on sale in December and includes two prints from Jensen's archives. Watch this space to get your hands on your piece of Fair Trade fashion history.

People Tree are pioneers of the Fair Trade and Organic fashion movement and work closely with their many producer partners. They have been particularly active in developing organic and Fairtrade cotton in India.

“People Tree has supported the development and growth of organic farming at Agrocel. Every year Agrocel is able to include more organic farmers in their group thanks to growing People Tree orders for organic cotton. People Tree also helps us with the improvement of our cotton, and each acre under organic farming reduces CO2 by 1 ton each year at the same time as protecting farmers’ health and the earth”
Agrocel Cooperative, India 

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  1. Nice fashionable dress for your blog.. I am really impressed to see your image.
    Peter Jensen Designer

  2. I'm excited to see how Peter Jensen's designs incorporate into People Tree's commitment to ethical fashion.

