
INTERVIEW | Tommaso Dall'Osso, Founder of FACECUP


FACECUP is the brainchild of hairstylist, design enthusiast, fashionisto, and my dear friend Tommaso Dall'Osso.  I met Tommaso in a New York Salon some years ago, where we started our friendship over a midnight cake fight and prosecco. Since then, his career has been growing in New York and now in Milano, where he has re-relocated to further develop his artistry. So, imagine my surprise when he informed me that he was starting a business, which combined fashion, design, health, 'eco-chic', the salon experience and a good cup of Italian coffee, I had to have him elaborate on this concept. What does coffee and hair have to do with each other? Then imagine my bigger shock when he announced that he would be moving to Seoul for a few months (or so...)? I needed to pry and find out what was going on in the life of someone who I see as up-and-coming in the Milano scene, and what his motivations were for this coffee brand, which has such a unique place within the coffee and fashion industries. 

FACECUP is a stylishly branded Italian coffee for everyone. It is meant to make the consumer feel empowered through it's sheer sexiness, and its overall eco-chic philosophy. "Facecup is meant to make you smile," Tommaso reiterates as I ask him where he sees the brand evolving. It frames its business ethos on the fusion and balance of opposites, especially when it relates to cultural disparities, whilst maintaining an environmental and Fair Trade stance. The latter is projected holistically through as they offer Joana Carvalho's Eco-Kit for Coffee, which is a made from biopolymer, non-polluting, biodegradable materials produced from a single injection mold and contains a saucer, cup with handle and spoon. The coffees and teas draw on his teams' cultural backgrounds and experiences across five continents, which is epitomised in the very nature of the branding. With names like Giorgio to describe a very Italian coffee, or God Shave the Queen to represent his Ceylon English Breakfast Tea, these drinks not only reference pop culture and comedic wordplay, but also promotes a healthy lifestyle through the added vitamins that promote internal and external rejuvenation.

What follows is an interview with the CEO & Founder of FACECUP, Tommaso Dall'Osso.  

Mood board for FACECUP

Interview by Stacy H

HOW AND WHY DID YOU COME UP WITH THE BRAND? I was amazed by the massive number of coffee served inside a salon and by the clients' way of enjoying the moment, which was completely different from bars and restaurants. Inside the salon that´s your coffee and it´s only for you.

WHAT DOES FACECUP MEAN? In Italian it means FACCIATAZZA [literally FACEMUG] but it doesn´t work at all! (Just kidding). FACECUP is first of all a social coffee brand. It´s designed to  make people share emotions, art, experiences and fun! It is a social-product. Analyzing the project after a year of hard work, I noticed that a “facecup” is the way we used to draw faces at the age of 3 years old [See images of the faces on the packaging]. I don´t want to sound funny, but I think this is the reason why the brand is so familiar to everyone!

WHAT MAKES FACECUP SO SPECIAL? It is specially formulated with vitamins, minerals and nutrients that offer unique benefit options to consumers with an on-the-go lifestyle. FACECUP begins with water and high quality Italian coffee powder; next is the addition of the finest quality vitamins and nutrients, based upon prevailing nutritional science and validated by consumer research. Finally, an Italian-American unique branding that adds flavour and colour to every single cup in a way that is particularly conducive to the product’s philosophy SMILE DRINK LOOK BETTER. The formula in FACECUP incorporates a blend of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that work synergistically to meet the needs of consumers with a UP lifestyle, offering special benefits to hair and skin beauty.

HOW DO YOU ENVISION FACECUP EVOLVING WITHIN THE FASHION AND COFFEE INDUSTRIES? Well, I have to be honest as the brand was basically designed only for salon use, so I was not planning on any evolution. Then I realized the everyone goes to salons to get their hair done: doctors, teachers, drivers, kids, managers, designers, stylists, police men, so my FACECUP idea evolved to a larger group, as everyone needs something to make them smile! 

What is FACECUP Video by Dimitri Nube / Felipe Ospina

WHAT IS FACECUP'S ECOLOGICAL APPROACH TO COFFEE? The FACECUP consumer is extremely attentive to lifestyle, details and the constant search for trends in the fashion world, but is also sensitive to ecological problems, demanding environmentally-friendly production. This is what FACECUP chooses for its products. That’s why we don’t follow market trends that use plastic capsules; that’s why we chose cellulose pods which are easily disposed of without damaging the ecosystem. The materials we use for our product and communication are designed to respect the environment to the utmost: they are 100% recyclable and are produced with low environmental impact. What’s more important is we’ve added 100% natural extracts to every single pod to preserve the main benefits, vitamins and minerals that we want to donate to the beauty of your hair and skin. This is our ECO-CHIC philosophy. 

HOW DOES FACECUP RELATE TO WOMADE**? WOMADE is a young creative community initiated by amazing people working hard to make connect different creative fields in one forum. Its not easy to mix people who are into graphics, food, design, music, video and fashion, so this is a big thing! And they are doing great! WOMADE contacted me for a collaboration between FACECUP and WOMADE next weekend and I was just amazed by this opportunity. I know this is not TV but can I just say hi and thanks to these people!? [Of course you can Tommaso]

TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOUR PARTICIPATION IN WOMADE'S EVENT on 29/09/12: Well, at the beginning I was nervous, because I´m not a fashion brand [I beg to differ] and I'm actually the only brand attending that doesn't belong to that field. However, when I heard that a live performance photoshoot [was occurring with all the brands I thought it would be] a good idea to connect with the fashion world in a different way [not just through hairstyling for various Fashion Weeks] and find new faces for FACECUP to get a larger products family! That´s the thing everyone can be a FACECUP character and make someone else smile for a second! That´s my personal mission..
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GETTING PERSONAL: Learn More about Tommaso


NAME  Tommaso Dall´Osso
Where were you born?  Bologna, Italia
Where do you live now? In Milan, moving to Seoul in a few days!
Birthday? 20th March
Profession(s)? Hair Stylist/Brand designer/Everything is welcomed
Personal style? Easy going…but details makes the difference!
Favourite shoes? Sneakers
How do you style your hair? I brush my hair every morning like James Dean or I wear a hat
Favourite Designers? Alexander McQueen
Style Icon? The street
Tommaso consulting. Is that a James Dean look on the model?
Fashion Tip? Don´t follow…get involved!
Favourite city, and why? NYC cause it´s like nowhere and looks like everywhere
Favourite Food? Thai food
Favourite Drink? Aperol Spritz
Favourite Music? Indie Rock
Favourite Musician/Band? The Kooks
Favourite Movie? Soul Kitchen
Favourite Book? Due di Cuori – Andrea De Carlo
First thing you do in the Morning? A deep long shower
Last thing you do before bed? I think a lot…actually too much!
Current Obsession? Moving to Asia and learning Chinese
Personal Motto?  Vivi e lascia vivere! [Live and Let Live!]
What is your dream job? No idea…but feeling you are not working is great!
Any Final Words? I really want to thank the UP team and all the people around me, because without feelings, travels, emotions, connections, mistakes, friends and love all these things were not going to happen: so thanks to Elisa, Louise, Omar, Dimitri, Vittorio, Vicky, Nicola, Nam So, Felipe, Jee, Maurizio and me! GRAZIE MILLE A TUTTI!

**CALLING ALL MILANESE & PEOPLE IN MILAN: Join FACECUP and other creative minds at the WOMADE Event TOMORROW: Saturday, 29 September 2012 from 22h00-04h00 at CHIOSTRI DI SAN BARNABA. Address: San Barnaba 48, MILANO (P.ta Romana).

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